Thursday, July 26, 2007

Reimagine Memories at the Southwest Computer User Group Conference

We went down to San Diego on Friday, July 13th, and spent the rest of the weekend at the Southwest Computer User Group Conference (SWUGC) where we finally launched Reimagine Memories to the public. We attended the conferences and dinners with the attendees, and during these were able to meet some really passionate computer users. By far the most fun was the vendor faire where we had a booth fully-decked out in an Island theme featuring an inflatable palm tree, inflatable monkey, grass table skirt, beach balls, and surfing music to complete the theme. It was incredibly popular with the attendees and we saw the most foot traffic as our sweepstakes was a big draw for people to come all the way to the back of the convention center to visit our booth.

I personally gave about 20-30 complete demos of the site and pitched it at least 150 times to eager attendees who wanted to know what Reimagine Memories was about. We generated a lot of interest, got a few hugs, gave away a ton of stuff, and had the other vendors jealous of the attention we were receiving. By popular demand we gave away both the palm tree and monkey to attendees with the monkey being especially popular with the woman who one it. So much so she ran up, gave it a hug, and gave the monkey it's own sit at the table. It was moments like that, which made the weekend unforgettable despite all of the hard work that went into it.

Special thanks to Derek Palmer who is a honorary RM employee and a best friend of mine for coming down to San Diego and helping me out all weekend. Couldn't have done it without you.

Check out the booth pictures below.

We hope to be back next year,

-Brad Jashinsky
CEO/Co-Founder of
Reimagine Memories

Check out the pictures that we took:

Other booths next to us

Buffet Eating Area for the Attendees

Our booth with our inflatable palm tree, and our poster
advertising Memories Thorough the Mail

Another poster advertising Reimagine Memories at our booth

3 computers showing off our website (2 Macs, 1 PC, all running FireFox)

Our inflatable monkey with an RM shirt on it. Along with our fortune cookie,
beach balls, and poster giveaways. Also our sweepstakes entry forms.

Inflatable Monkey with the RM Shirt

Our whole booth

Another picture of our booth

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