Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We Are On TechCrunch

Hi Everyone,

I have some very big news that I've always hoped to be able to announce here on the blog. We made it onto TechCrunch yesterday:

Check out the post about us

Duncan Riley, one of the lead writers on TechCrunch, asked start-ups to send in an elevator pitch, which is just a quick, 1 minute, video that quickly explains what your company does and why people should use/invest in it. Last Sunday when Duncan asked for companies to submit their elevator pitch I spent some time putting together a quick video, and then sent it off to Duncan. As chance would have that time paid off, and my video and a link to our website was posted on TechCrunch, which is the most popular blog/website for our web industry. I've seen a lot of positive come from this already with many new visitors, new business, and a lot of people sending us emails congratulating us. We are close to getting some other stories written about us as well in the local newspapers here in Southern California, but to be posted on TechCrunch, a blog I read everyday, is another honor in itself.

Thanks to Duncan for posting, and for all of you who have made our site great over the years.

Here's the video:

-Brad Jashinsky
CEO/CoFounder of Reimagine Memories

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and welcome to 2008.

I hope everyone out there has made some great New Year's Resolutions, and have already started on the path to keeping them. I have high hopes and goals for Reimagine Memories as well as 10 or so pounds to lose over the next year, which I hope a year from now I can write about my successful journey in accomplishing both. 2007 has been an incredibly busy year for me both professionally as well as personally, and I go into 2008 with high hopes that I can continue the intensity of the professional life while sustaining more of a balance with the personal one. Either way 2008 will be a busy year, and already I have 2 speaking gigs, a convention planned, and several marketing campaigns to run in just the next two weeks. I leave on Sunday to attend CES at the Las Vegas Convention Center for my fourth straight year, and right after that will be speaking at both the Long Beach and Laverne Computer Clubs. During all of this Reimagine Memories has a few local marketing campaigns as well as online campaigns that I am running lead on. Already 2008 is shaping up to be quite the year and it is only January 1st. I'd be afraid though if I had nothing planned, and nothing to do, because then nothing would get accomplished during this pivotal year in the company's future.

May your holiday season end on a great note, and may 2008 be everything you have hoped for it to be and so much more.

Happy New Year,

-Brad Jashinsky
CEO/CoFounder of
Reimagine Memories