Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hilarious Super Smash Bros. Brawl Ad

Hi Everyone,

Even though this doesn't directly relate to Reimagine Memories I couldn't help not posting this:

While browsing online stores looking at prices/availability for Super Smash Bros. Brawl I ran across this hilarious features description on


Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a brawling, battling, action-packed video game that features a varied roster of characters for four-player simultaneous melees!

When you hit an opponent, his or her damage meter builds up. The more damage that builds up, the farther an opponent flies each time he or she gets hit! An opponent with higher damage flies farther.

Also, in some modes, each time you KO an opponent, you earn points.

If you had to call it something, I'd say it's almost like a sport."

-Brad Jashinsky
CEO/CoFounder of
Reimagine Memories

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